Tuesday 13 September 2016

Designing a Game

Image result for gamefroot

We are using a online app called Gamefroot, to create our own online games. Gamefroot allows us to create a game, once you have your game started you can play the game to test it. If you need help press the help button and it will show you what you need to do. Using the drag and drop technique you will be able to easily drag and drop you objects to where ever you want them to be.

Art Work-The Background I have chosen is a space theme. The dark blue sky and the cold hard icy floor represent a cold planet. No one will know what planet they are on.

Characters-My character will walk through Space and collect everything needed. The character that I have chosen to play in this game is a Warrior. He is the character that you will guide around the levels with                                                             your arrow keys, collecting objects you need to unlock things, dodging                                                         obstacles that may get in your way or simply just playing the game.

Game Play-The aim of the game is to get from the beginning of the level to the end of the level in one run. You will collect objects to unlock doors or gates. Read the story points to find out what something does and how it works. For example there is on for the key. It defines the keys purpose and what the keys used for. Another one is used for the Key Card, also explaining what purpose it has. Any story point that is active will show you something important that you need to know. So therefore you need to read them to understand what's going on in the                                                             game.

When your in editing mode this is                                                       The background I chose was a
what the screen will look like. It                                                         space background. I chose this
will give you editing options and                                                         background because it stood
tools to move things around                                                               out and went along well with
                                                                                                         the tiles. The tiles represent                                                                                                                          a cold planet because of the
Here's a link to my game!! Hope you enjoy!!!

Monday 5 September 2016

What is a Pixel?

In my DGM Class I have been doing Photoshop. I have been manipulating images, previously I have been working on putting water into a Light Bulb. I have done the following to create my manipulated image. You begin by making a new Photoshop, setting the dimensions 1920x1080. Get two images from the internet, for example I got water and a light bulb, and save them to you desktop. When you're in Photoshop, drag and drop your first image (Light bulb) into the first Layer. Make it the size you want it before pressing enter. Add another Layer and drag and drop your other image, whether it be fire, water, grass, anything. Once you have done that make the images about the same size. Find the button that says Normal on the right hand side of the screen above the layers, open the drop down menu and select Multiply. You should be able to see both images through each other. Once you have muddled around with the sizing you can then right click on either of the layers and click Merge. This will make the two layers into one layer. Once you have one image you can erase the extra surroundings and make the final outcome of your manipulated image. Go to File and save as, save your image as a PSD File. If you choose to you can save it to your desktop

I think that a pixel helps to make a shape or object. It contains three colors: Blue, Green and Red. When you take a photo, the more pixels the camera has, the better the picture is going to turn out. Resolution is another word for Pixel. A Pixel is made up of 3 different colors, blue, red and green. A Pixel is a small square that produces colors. A Pixel is how an image is composed.

Tuesday 9 August 2016


The rough, rouge robber left the bank quickly and ran really rapidly towards the dark and doomy corner, where his black van awaited him. More money, flew out of his bags and he tried to run through large groups of people like a crowded concert. Screams and shouting as he plowed past people, knocking over young children and bumping into the elderly. This man had no respect for anyone in his town. The black van now only about 50 meters away, Police on foot were now within 20 meters away. The rouge robber began to pick up the pace, now a very fast sprint. With a clutter and a bang, crates of fruit were all over the show. Barrels and Poles lay across the cold hard pavement like a bag of frozen peas. With one big leap he jumped into the black van. SLAM!! The doors shut, and with a screech of tires the van was away. Over the hills and far away, turns into a pursuit on the countryside.

Sunday 19 June 2016